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Dog training isn’t just about your dog. In fact, the most integral part of the training process is you. That’s why we work with you to make sure your training plan fits your lifestyle and is tailored to what you need. Whether it’s for basic manners or more complex behavioural issues, we are focused on not only training your dog, but teaching you how to effectively communicate with them using the correct tools. Our method of training is modern and effective meaning that it will give you and your dog a happier more fulfilled life together! If this is something you're interested in, click on our 'contact us' page and fill in our application form today.

Introducing Paige... 


Hi, I'm the owner of Ariane Canine!

My passion for dogs and training started back in 2016, when an adorable 8 week old Springer Spaniel x Border Collie puppy entered my life. I was so excited that my dream of having my own dog was finally here however I was young and didn’t know where to start or who to go to for advice. I researched and researched and we spent hours training and learning together. Everything I taught her she picked up super quickly, I knew I had a clever bundle of energy on my hands!

Being mainly Spaniel, she is insanely strong headed and prey driven. Which resulted in relentless pulling and running off when she saw any bird or water in sight, despite her brilliant recall and obedience. I signed up for a puppy group class at my local dog training centre. We attended every week and when she was old enough I enrolled us onto their agility classes, so I could work her brain and fullfill her. The instructors soon realised my passion for dogs/ teaching them new things and asked if I would like to help out with group classes. 

This continued for months, and I really enjoyed it! I then wanted to broaden my knowledge further and gain more experience from other trainers too. I shadowed and went along to multiple centres/ trainers and classes, getting lots of hand on experience with various dogs and issues. Along the way I found no one could give me any different advice to what I had already tried with the recall issue around birds and the pulling on lead in new environments. 

After multiple snapped leads, blistered hands, longline burns and panic attacks because she would swim in circles round a lake for hours because of one duck. Or would run through 5 farmers fields because she’d snap her lead and take off after a crow. I realised I needed to be more open minded about training tools and modern techniques. After researching again and reading success stories of Balanced Training, I was invested… This lead me to learn from and shadow some amazing trainers, who opened my eyes to a new level of dog training, which resulted in safe, off lead freedom for my dog! 

I’m so grateful to have learnt how to use E-Collars, prong collars and slip leads properly and implement them into my training. They were the final piece of the puzzle that I needed to have a reliable recall and a solid heel command around any distraction and have allowed us to explore so many new places and adventures together.

We still throughly enjoy agility and have competed at The Kennel Club International Agility Festival, got into the Final at the British Agility Championships and have competed and placed at Crufts twice (2022 & 2024.)

To say I love my job is an understatement, I find so much joy in helping owners and there dogs live the life they’ve always dreamt of!

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